Dr. Mohammad Raslan Alzein

Dr. Mohammad Raslan Alzein

Specialization: Specialist Pediatric Dentist

Qualifications: PhD in Pediatric Dentistry


He has excellent experience in pedodontics: (provided dental care for infants, children and adolescents, preventive orthodontics designed for patients, managed patients with behavioral problems or handicapping conditions, counseled and advised patients and families on growth and development of dental problems of patients, provided preventives services through the use of fluorides and sealants and instructed patient and family members on dental care, treatment using oral and inhalation sedation (nitrous oxide), and treatment under general anesthesia).

Dr. Raslan Alzein is a Syrian pedodontist. He was raised in Damascus, Syria, and studied in its schools.

He graduated from Damascus University as a general practitioner dentist in 2012; after that, He had his master’s degree in pediatric dentistry at Damascus university in 2017. He had his Ph.D. degree in pediatric dentistry at Damascus university in 2022.

Dr. Raslan worked as a supervisor in Pediatric Dentistry Department at Damascus University from 2014 to 2022.

Dr. Raslan speaks Arabic and English fluently.